Le 05/08/2012 23:52, Emmanuel Engelhart a écrit :
On 20/05/2012 11:22, Tommi Mäkitalo wrote:
If you use relative URLs you have to take care about articles, which contain '/'. Look at e.g. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMW_501/502. In a zim file this will be /A/BMW_501/502. Relative urls must point to ../something or ../../A/something. If you have a link to e.g. BMW_505 it points as a relative url to /A/BWM_501/BMW_505.
But yes, relative urls are much better.
It seems to me that we agreed that it's not possible to integrated ZIM contents in a HTTP sub-hierachy (like http://domain.com/foo/bar/my_zim_content) if ZIM URLs are absolute. This is a problem, at least to achieve the creation of online libraries based on ZIM.
I have consequently revamped the paragraph about URLs of the ZIM format: https://www.openzim.org/index.php?title=ZIM_File_Format&diff=1418&ol...
The big difference is that *before* we were advising absolute URLs (at least with the example) and *now* we forbids to do so (relative URLs are mandatory).
For now, Kiwix & Wikimedia produced ZIM files are "wrong". Impact is not dramatic, because Kiwix implements a workaround (on the fly URL rewriting). But, adopting this modification will lead to the creation of at least two bug reports both Kiwix and Wikimedia.
Remarks? Oppositions?
I have open two bugs:
* on the Wikimedia side for the extension:collection https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=39651
* on the Kiwix side: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3561737&group_id=17...
Hope this will be fixed soon, URLs rewriting generate a big overhead for kiwix-serve. As the format has changed a little bit, it would be maybe good to also increment the minor version - otherwise it will difficult to know how are the internal urls (relative or absolute).
Regards Emmanuel