There you get a lzma library for java with xz support. I think with that it should be possible to implement a reader for zim files with lzma.
Emmanuel is right - we dropped zlib and bzip2 support since lzma is widely available and it is better than zlib and bzip2. Dropping the support reduces dependencies.
Unfortunately the documentation about zim format is not yet up to date.
Am Montag, September 13, 2010, 20:46:41 schrieb Pascal Martin:
Thank you for your answer Emmanuel.
I send your answer to my team, to see it s possible to do this in 7 Work day .
----- Original Message ----- From: "Emmanuel Engelhart" To: Cc: "Pascal Martin" Sent: Monday, September 13, 2010 8:40 PM Subject: Re: [openZIM dev-l] Zim for Android
On 13/09/2010 15:49, Pascal Martin wrote:
Now, we wants to add Zim files support but we're stuck due to the compression format: Zim files are generated using the LZMA2 format which is not easily available on the Android / Java platform. On the other hand, the OpenZim website lists gzip and bz2 as possible compression format for Zim files. Would it be possible to generate a Zim file with of those compression formats? Or is the documentation on the website out of date?
Documentation is not up to date :(
To simplify the dependences, the last version of the ZIM format only recognizes one container/algorithm and this is xz/lzma2. This has been decided at last dev. meeting. Please correct me Tommi if I'm wrong.
I think if we want to support another couple container/algorithm, this newcomer has to bring really technical advantages. We should not switch or add dependences only because one language/platform requires it... Otherwise we will never find a sustainable solution.
So, my approach would be here to try to support the xz/lzma2 couple in java.
I see here two possibilities:
- Code the library directly in java
- Use libxz native code in java
What about these strategies?
Emmanuel -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
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