On Tue, 1 Feb 2011 10:11:03 +0530, Nikhil Sheth nikhil.js@gmail.com wrote:
Request: I want to get an Offline edition of the Hindi, Marathi and Gujrati Wikipedia. (Indian languages) - preferably in the .ZIM format. I read about Malayalam / Tamil offline versions being in the works, but not in .ZIM
If you want a special ZIM, you may make a request to Kiwix: http://requestafeature.kiwix.org
For these languages this should not be a problem for me to quickly make a ZIM with all main namespace articles.
For the Malayalam you have already two ZIMs: * http://tmp.kiwix.org/zim/0.9/wikipedia_ml_500+_05_2010_beta2.zim * http://tmp.kiwix.org/zim/0.9/wikipedia_ml_all_06_2010_beta1.zim
I have no clue how we can create the .ZIM files (don't have the expertise to see and understand the format specifications), and I understand that Wikipedia dumps creation aren't there for anybody or else the servers would be brought down.
Yes, creating ZIM file is unfortunately still too complicated... but this pain point will be improved :)
Further troubleshooting: (now moving into further exploring)
The Kiwix+Wikipedia for Schools package is a portable version of Kiwix with the index and library file already built and stored inside the rootdata folder (size 141MB)
When I opened wikipedia_en_wp1_0.7_30000+_05_2009_beta3.zim in the same software, it did not create the library and index for the same inside this package; rather it is stored elsewhere on my comp and I can't find it. (I'm on Win 7 by the way)
It's created in user profile application_data directory. We want to improve that point too to allow user to save this index&library somewhere else.
If I want to share other versions on Wikipedia in a ready-to-run form, I will need to create and have the index inside the Kiwix software's folder. Or else on every new computer there will be a lengthy indexing process which is wasteful and might actually result in non-use by people who don't know how to go about it.
So, how can one go about it? Making Kiwix such that any .ZIM file it opens and indexes, the index is stored INSIDE the program folder rather than anywhere else? Or maybe such that it does BOTH and checks one source first and the other later?
Have a look to the library xml in the "data" directory of the portable version. The library file describes where is the content and the index. You simply have to create a new one in the "library" directory similar but for your new content. If you still have questions, please contact me directly or join us on IRC #kiwix channel.
Also, what is the command-line syntax for opening Kiwix with a particular .ZIM file?
I want to have a package of multiple instant options, so that if someone double-clicks on a "Wikipedia for schools" shortcut or .bat or .exe then that opens; if someone double-clicks a "Hindi Wikipedia" then that opens, and so forth.
I fully understand your use case. This is not possible currently. This has to be done... again please open a feature request if this is important for you.