My name is Vikram Aditya, and I am currently a Pre-Final year Bachelors of Design student at IIT Guwahati.
I wish to apply for the position of a Design Internship at the Wikimedia Foundation during the summer of 2016. If I have reached the wrong place, it would be very kind of you to guide me in the right direction.
Having interned at Interface Sense http://interfacesense.com/ as a UX Designer and at Cobalt.io http://cobalt.io/ as a remote graphic design intern along with having worked on several design projects, I am well versed with the User Experience, Typography, Visual Communication, User Study, Heuristic Evaluation and Front-End Development. I also have been passionate about Interaction Design and Human Computer Interaction and have carried out several projects from this domain as a part of my course. Recently I have taken up a project on organic interfaces at the Embedded Interaction Lab http://embeddedinteractions.com/ where I am apart of a team trying to visualise new interactions with shape changing displays in collaboration with Nokia.
Please find my curriculum vitae at http://vikramadityadesign.com/Vikram_Aditya_Resume.pdf My portfolio link is: http://vikramadityadesign.com/
Please let me know if my work and interests match with the profile that you might be looking for.
| *Vikram Aditya* *| *Pre-Final Year Student (B.Des) *|* Department of Design *|* Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati | Portfolio: http://vikramadityadesign.com/ *| *+91 8011035410 | Alternate Email : *vikramaditya@iitg.ernet.in vikramaditya@iitg.ernet.in*
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