I'm still not convinced this is a good idea and this village pump post [1]
seems to show its now just me (although there is also one of the opposite
Please do consider this in the redesign which has now been promoted to beta.
"Before in the mobile edition of Wikipedia, it showed at the top the hours
or days since last revision and the user name. Now the username is not
there. Bring it back and even consider it for the full desktop version.
That is how we encourage people to update this site and not think some
editorial board does it."
I've asked a few questions at
that someone here might be able to help with, namely:
1. What accessibility issues need to be considered, for using tooltips
in form fields? (e.g. old browsers, screen-readers, accesskeys)
2. Do we have any mediawiki guidelines on what developers/extensions
should use? (and should they be linked in the Living-Style-Guide
<https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/living-style-guide/> e.g. here
<http://livingstyleguide.wmflabs.org/wiki/Inputs> or is that outside of
it's remit?)
3. What is the best external documentation, and "best in class" examples?
4. Where do we currently store some examples? e.g. the title="Enter a
short summary [Alt+Shift+b]" in enwiki's edit-summary field.
5. What pragmatic limits are there, on the formatting & length of
tooltip content? (can we do split lines in basic HTML? How much harder is
it to get clickable links in them? F108798
<https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/F108798>: this is very pretty, but
the rendered HTML is gigantic, and it's still not clickable/copyable text.)
6. What other things should I/we be asking?
Answers over there, please and thank you. :)
Nick Wilson (Quiddity)
Community Liaison
Wikimedia Foundation