Hello, I just had a call with
Mikael Wiberg, Professor, Head of Department Department of Informatics, Umeå university, Sweden
He is now a new member of this list. Hej!
They want to get involved in different types of Wikimedia contributions. One area of high interest among their students is interaction design.
We could start with a small and quite informal collaboration. From time to time people come here asking for feedback or help about a UX problem, a new workflow, some gadget needing some UX love... These students could simply join the list and get involved in the discussions, bringing feedback and ideas.
From there many progressive paths are possible:
* Start working on "design" AND "easy" bugs: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/buglist.cgi?keywords=design%2C%20easy%2C%20&a...
* Help kicking the https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/UX_review_queue
* Get involved in https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Micro_Design_Improvements ?
And probably more, but I think it's important to go for first things first, and start with simple feedback to requests made to this list.
Welcome Mikael, we hope you bring more participation to this list and we are looking forward to the first results.
On 04/22/2013 12:08 PM, Quim Gil wrote:
Hello, I just had a call with
Mikael Wiberg, Professor, Head of Department Department of Informatics, Umeå university, Sweden
He is now a new member of this list. Hej!
They want to get involved in different types of Wikimedia contributions. One area of high interest among their students is interaction design.
We could start with a small and quite informal collaboration. From time to time people come here asking for feedback or help about a UX problem, a new workflow, some gadget needing some UX love... These students could simply join the list and get involved in the discussions, bringing feedback and ideas.
From there many progressive paths are possible:
- Start working on "design" AND "easy" bugs:
Help kicking the https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/UX_review_queue
Get involved in https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Micro_Design_Improvements ?
And probably more, but I think it's important to go for first things first, and start with simple feedback to requests made to this list.
Welcome Mikael, we hope you bring more participation to this list and we are looking forward to the first results.
Mikael, welcome, and I hope your students have gotten onto this list! Do you have questions? Have you been able to start with some simple things?