On 03/05/2014 12:33 PM, Jared Zimmerman wrote:
That's partly (but not strongly) why I think both should be quiet destructive. But since both would be quiet, either quiet neutral (cancel) or quiet destructive (discard) the user won't actually see a color change or appearance when they enter text.
I think the idea of starting quiet neutral, and changing to quiet destructive when they have (unsaved) changes, makes sense. I agree it shouldn't be too attention-grabbing, since quiet buttons are not visible until hover/focus.
I'm not sure about changing the text. That might be too attention-grabbing.
For non-JS I'll say what I always say. We should have a graceful controlled degradation for these users. In this can they will see no change. eg. the button will always say cancel , and not change based on their actions.
Yes, I think this is fine.
For the core edit page, I filed as https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=62304 . There is also a Flow one S filed at https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=62290
Matt Flaschen