On 09/23/2013 06:11 PM, Brion Vibber wrote:
Per comments on the article, I wouldn't read much into it -- the benchmark is pretty flawed. It doesn't measure anything representative of typical usage.
Yeah. They inexplicably *only* used a single size, a 17.8kB PNG (18227 bytes). If you're not sure why that's a problem, check the size of some of the images MW embeds. Examples from a quick grep:
resources/jquery/images/jquery.arrowSteps.head-ltr.png - 303 bytes resources/jquery.tipsy/images/tipsy.png - 133 bytes resources/jquery.ui/themes/vector/images/ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png - 3702 bytes resources/mediawiki.action/images/green-checkmark.png - 681 bytes
Why does it matter? The main reason to avoid requests for every single image is to minimize the time, latency, and bandwidth (bytes) used for HTTP request and responses. The smaller the image, the bigger the fraction (header size / image size) is, thus the more wasted header time.
What he said about a 814 byte fixed header is also simply wrong. Some of our data URIs are less than 814 bytes *total*. E.g.  is a real example from jquery.ui.dialog.
We should keep this issue in mind (there is a penalty, particularly for large images), but that article draws a skewed picture.