I think you'll be able to see it with http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/09/nyregion/christie-aide-tied-to-bridge-lane...
This is quite interesting, since we've talked about similar redesigns involving elements they use here, such as...
- Fully unifying the design across tablets, desktop, etc. - Fixed header - More use of dropdowns (like the "hamburger" menu from mobile) to collapse cluttered menus - Much tighter column width
Other elements that I think are interesting and new to us are...
- Putting the comments in a column alongside the content directly, when opened - Variable type sizing (see the cog icon for settings) - Content recommendations in a carousel at the top of the page - Navigating in a category of pages using left and right swiping. (Personally I think they will regret this one. People hate it so.)