As you all may know, the 2007 Fall Fundraiser will begin on October 22. This year, we would like to gather pics and videos, submitted by users, that describe either:
Why they love Wikipedia and/or how Wikipedia has changed their life.
We would like to have a test run, and are asking volunteers that work directly with the Foundation to submit pics to Flickr and videos to Youtube, with the tag [Wiki Love]. It would be much appreciated if you guys could submit a pic or video by the end of next week. Since this is an idea we are still testing out, please do not "spread the word" until a final decision has been reached.
We're still exploring what kind of format that might work best for this - e.g., do we want people to hold up their favorite wikimedia page to the camera, or hold up a piece of paper with something written on it. So please experiment a little with us, and we'll update as soon as a consensus has been reached.
Also, I would love your feedback. If you have any ideas on how to improve this project, I would love to hear them. I would even love for a discussion to take place on comproj (the shock I know) to see how well we can discuss things via the mailing list ( a few of you thought this would be a good idea).
(FYI - Please pick a free license when using Flickr)