Great ! Thank you Jack.
Thank you to Sean as well for the volunteering on the document side.
I have been working a bit on the program this evening. Not enough yet :-( I'll put you in touch with those working on the topic Jack, so that we try to gather information on the issue.
More on this tomorrow.
Thanks a lot
Jack O'Callaghan wrote:
Hi Ms. Devouard,
I would be more than happy to help out securing sponsorships for the upcoming board retreat however I can, whether it be working independently doing solicitation or having Cary delegate specific tasks.
Just let me know how I can help, and if this is to be a more independent venture, could you please provide a list of what sorts of sponsorships you are looking for (any specific companies, industries, etc.) and if there are any restrictions on the sort of sponsorships the WMF would accept.
Thanks a lot,
On 7/3/07, *Florence Devouard* <> wrote:
Hello, Cary, I could have written to you directly, but I think it may be that I find help directly on this list. If so, this shall avoid loss of your time as intermediary. If no one is available to help on this list, I would love if you can look for a volunteer :-) Here is the deal WMF is organizing a board retreat in Taipei, immediately prior to Wikimania (1 and 2). People invited are essentially active board members, prior board members if not reelected, advisory board members, ED and possibly GC if available by then. So, roughly 25 people. The organizers are Angela, Achal (adv board member), myself... and new comer is Manon, who will be our facilitator. And somehow Theodonarian, as organizer of Wikimania :-) The event will take place in the Wikimania building (room not defined yet). Some meals are already planned, others will be free time. Accomodation has been dealt with. We have no sponsor yet and it would be great if we can find one (but if not, well, I guess we'll survive). We already drafted a budget but we have no letter to send yet (Achal is volunteering) No program yet, but I should have a draft soon What I am looking for ? Two people to help. * one to help on the communication documents for the retreat * one to help in finding sponsors This will be done with the participation/help of the current team of course Regarding help on sponsorship, it would be essentially working with Achal to set up an email. We have a bunch of suggested contacts, but we need to collect references. To send the letters. To follow up in someone is interested, probably with the support of Cary. Time: it should not take a lot of time, but if someone is interested, it would be best if it were someone who already helped on the WM sponsorship. This help is required now. Regarding the communication stuff, we need * a document with a listing of all participants, as well as their bio. I was a few days ago at a meeting for a similar-type event, and I think the layout is just perfectly reusable (minus an orange flashing background color ruining printer resources). Mixed up with the visuals of Wikimania, it should not take too much time I think. All information is already available, so it may be done any time. Job is essentially establishing a layout, collecting the information and setting that up in an electronic document. * a document with time/location planning. Listing times of gathering, breaks, lunch, etc... as well as useful information (location of meeting, location of meals, contacts - phone etc...). Information is partially available and is to be collected from I or Theodonarian. Perhaps could be done in 1-2-3 weeks. * a document with the topics/programme. Information not yet available. But if layout is previously done in other documents, should be very quick. If you are interested or can pass along the info, I will be happy. No confidentiality requirements. ant _______________________________________________ ComProj mailing list <>