Flickr has finally updated their API, so the FlickrLickr project is back in operation. We now have metadata for more than 50,000 new images, so that should keep us busy for a while. All existing FlickrLickr users have new slices.
If you don't know FlickrLickr yet - it's a project to select, describe and categorize images on Flickr that are licensed under CC-BY[*] and upload them to the Wikimedia Commons. FlickrLickr users have a convenient interface to select photos and edit metadata.
See for a screenshot and details about the project.
This is far from a dumping process. Good FlickrLickr users spend many hours to produce accurate metadata and select only the best photos. So far, we have uploaded more than 4000 images, and reviewed 55000.
In spite of the effort involved, many users find the project addictive, since it provides a never-ending flow of photos while also being useful to Wikimedia. You can also get your name into the statistics:
(Every slice has 1,000 photos.)
If you would like to become a FlickrLickr, drop me a private message.
[*] There are over 700,000 photos under that license, so I haven't bothered with crawling CC-BY-SA metadata yet. There's more than 550,000 photos under CC-BY-SA. Even if we finished reviewing all of those, the daily stream of photos is big enough to keep quite a few users busy. See for details.
On 12/8/05, Erik Moeller wrote:
If you would like to become a FlickrLickr, drop me a private message.
I'd like to. As a Flickr user, I'm aware of the mass of stuff available. I also understand image copyright issues pretty well.