For anyone in the UK (or willing to visit the UK ;-) that hasn't seen the below, please take a look. Apologies for the cross-posting. This event is also hosting Wikimedia UK's AGM, so it is fairly important. ;-) Please distribute it to anyone else that you think might be interested.
Thanks, Mike
Begin forwarded message:
From: joseph seddon Date: 25 February 2010 12:01:55 GMT Subject: [Wikimediauk-l] Open Knowledge Conferece - Wikimedia Track (Call for Participation) Reply-To:
This year Wikimedia UK is partnering with the Open Knowledge Foundation in the organisation of the 2010 Open Knowledge Conference ("OKCon"), an interdisciplinary conference that brings together individuals from across the open knowledge spectrum for a day of presentations and workshops.
At this year's conference, Wikimedia UK will be supporting and organising a track dedicated to the projects and communities central to Wikimedia.
We need your help to create an exciting and interesting track that will inspire and challenge Wikimedians and others alike. Could you give a presentation or host a discussion on a Wikimedia theme? Any subject relevant to the Wikimedia communities, free content or Wikimedia UK are welcome. Timeline February 25 (Thursday): Submissions will open March 28 (Sunday) 23:59 UTC: Closure of submission dates April 7 (Wednesday): Notification of acceptance of submission April 24 (Saturday): Open Knowledge Conference 2010
If you wish to participate but with good reason cannot meet one of the above deadlines please email before the deadline as it may be possible to accomodate late submissions Themes Submissions should address one or more of the following themes:
Wikimedia Communities - Interesting projects and characteristics within the communities; policy creation; conflict resolution and community dynamics; reputation and identity; multilingualism, languages and cultures; the development of Wikimedia UK. Free Content - Open access to information; ways to gather and distribute free knowledge, usage of the Wikimedia projects in education, journalism, research; ways to improve content quality and usability; copyright laws and their interaction with Wikimedia projects. Culture and Heritage - Ideas for potential partnerships, building on previous partnerships and the legal, technical and resource issues that are barriers to such partnerships. Technical infrastructure - Issues related to MediaWiki development and extensions; Wikimedia hardware layout; the Toolserver; the Usability Project; new ideas for development (including Usability case studies from other wikis or similar projects). Submission Guidelines Please email submissions to Please email the following details, all in English: Title: Theme: Closest category from above for your submission. Abstract: 50-100 words summarising the topic Summary: Detailed description of the topic - 300 words or more. May contain a link to a more details. Contact information: Email/Telephone and whether we may publish these details Additional Information: 1-3 sentence biography of the author(s). any special requirements (e.g. flipchart; OHP. A digital presentation will be assumed as standard) whether you will attend the 2010 Open Knowledge Conference (a) definitely, (b) probably, (c) only if your submission is accepted.
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