Earlier: "... I certainly didn't get the suggestion we should disregard the original argument due to it allegedly being racist out of what you said, and I doubt many people did..."
Peter Blaise responds: I did. Look at the subject line:
[Subject: Racism in Commons]
This whole thread is about pointing the finger at racism.
As always, whenever we try to point something out, there are three fingers pointing back. The original poster was trying to point out what they thought was racism, yet I see the original poster's premise as racist. So, I also found the original post racist. My Jewish friends would only hope that the person propagating such racism should not identify their cause as Jewish! There is nothing we know of in Jewishness that is either "race" based, nor calls for suppression of creative expression and dialogue, nor calls to protect anyone from provocative intellectual challenge no matter how base (or not) they find that challenge.
I believe the original poster's comments would be best taken up in dialogue with the cartoonist (... I'd love to eavesdrop on that conversation!), not with us. See http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:555/Latuff and http://www.infoshop.org/graphics/latuff/LatuffSP.jpg As the "commons", we're a publishing house, not the authors (though many of us may wear both hats).
The cartoons are public record anyway, originally published elsewhere... 450 more at http://images.google.com/images?&safe=off&q=Latuff&btnG=Search+I... ! How can anyone report on them and discuss them if we can't see them IN our dialogs in the various wikis because one of us has closed their minds, and wants the rest of us not to have the same chance to look at them as the original poster has?
Hey, I GET the point of THIS one: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c3/Free_Myanmar_by_Latuf f2.jpg
More Carlos Latuff links: http://www.matteo-ghione.it/latuff.htm http://www.matteo-ghione.it/matteo_ghione_comics_against_racism.htm http://www.matteo-ghione.it/no_racism_news.htm
</rant off>
... okay, okay, back to "commons" ...