Also, if you want to look for "easy" images to delete (ie images that aren't being used elsewhere), use this "Bad Old Ones" script written by Magnus Manske:
(you can change the category in the URL)
ok it is slow to load at first... but then it will tell you in one glance whether an image is being used or not. so you can skip the ones that ARE being used and do the easy ones first. :)
cheers, Brianna
On 13/11/06, Brianna Laugher wrote:
On 13/11/06, Lennert Böhm wrote:
While we are on the topic of too much work and not enough people to do it: Tonight I felt particularly motivated and decided to make myself useful deleting superseded images. Trusting the people who had posted those images there I made my way through the first dozen or so of the list, when I suddenly decided it might be a good idea, just to be on the safe side, to perform a check-usage on those images. Turns out some of those images weren't only used on one or two Wikipedias, but more than a dozen. So I ended up undeleting most of the images, because I really got better things to do than first check all those images if they're still in use somewhere, and then making I don't know how many edits in as many Wikipedias changing the links. So I think if we ever won't to work off the backlog we have accumulated we either "train" the normal users to fix the links when they add the images there or we find some possibility to do it automatically using bots running parallely on all WPs or something. I don't know if that's possible to implement, but I for myself have better things to do than do all of this by hand.
Yes, indeed. Please see which is a proposal for a Wikimedia-wide bot to delink for us.