On 21/11/2007, Brianna Laugher brianna.laugher@gmail.com wrote:
- Commons currently doesn't accept any RAW formats for uncompressed
original digital photography files.
- DNG is a RAW format developed by Adobe, intended to be an open
format. http://www.adobe.com/products/dng/index.html
- ImageMagick supports DNG. http://www.imagemagick.org/script/formats.php
- Format "patent license":
http://www.adobe.com/products/dng/license.html Is this acceptable?
cc'd to foundation-l for inspection by the querulous.
We allow PDFs, don't we? Are they under any similar terms?
If the terms of the DNG format are acceptable, is there any reason we shouldn't request MW support for this format to be enabled and begin encouraging photographers to start using it? (I presume thumbnails would be generated as JPGs)
Assuming the licence isn't problematic, that'd be fantastic IMO. Need a bigger upload limit.
- d.