The GPS-attitude from cameras has such an high noise level and is in some cases completely wrong so that it's IMO not useful. This is also the reason why the openstreetmap project collect these data.
For me more important is the heading parameter, we have an usage of that on para's map and some cameras/smartphones has an compass, for all other cameras it would be nice if an user can add this parameter on the map with upload-wizzard.
Greetings Kolossos
Am 03.06.2012 11:19, schrieb Fae:
Er, why don't we fix the template or just "park" the altitude as an advisory string within the template?
Introducing elements of 3D to maps are not science fiction, and one can imagine over the next couple of years far more cameras will have accurate altitude data that would be quite handy for detailed mapping. Particularly where the height of the camera would benefit automatic creation of stitched models from multiple photographs.