On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 7:38 PM, Guillaume Paumier guillom.pom@gmail.com wrote:
I am considering the purchase of a GPS data logger to automagically geotag my photos on Commons (I am currently geotagging hundreds of them manually and it's a *real* pain). I've been doing some research already, but if anyone had some feedback to share about the hardware available and the software to do the mapping (linux-compatible, I'm using Ubuntu), that would be great.
Conceptually, what you want to do is keep your GPS running & logging while you shoot and then later tag a photo shot at time X with the GPX point you logged at time X, or the closest approximation.
This is a script I use for this purpose with my Garmin 60CSx and Canon 450D, it geotags both the RAW .cr2 files and .jpeg files:
You can use almost any GPS device, check out the gpsbabel project's list of compatible devices. You'll also want something that has lots of memory so you won't run out of space to log your track. My device can log to an SD card and thus has practically unlimited space.