Patrick-Emil Zörner schrieb am 09.08.2006 09:41:
--- Matt Brown morven@gmail.com schrieb: For companies it is the best advertising ever having an article with logo in WP. Therefore suppose the risk is so low, that it is more dangerous to cross the street a billion times.
You assume that the company likes the article. Most probably this won't be the case if the article mentions unlawfull events, "bad behaviour" in history like the Third Reich or something like that.
Also the problem most probably isn't the use of the image in our articles but the use by other persons because of the license.
But as a german saying translates "people have seen horses throw up" (a very unlikely but possible event).
Offtopic: Is this possible? To throw up you need two basic features: 1) The stomach ... ah well, too complicated in english. Because offtopic, now in german: Zum kotzen brauchst du mindestens zwei zugrundeliegende Faehigkeiten: Zum einen muss sich der Magen heftig und schnell zusammenzihen koennen und gleichzeitig muss der Muskel, der Magen und Speiseroehre verbinded sich oeffnen. Bei Pferden ist es meines Wissens nicht moeglich, dass sich durch diesen Muskel Mageninhalt wieder in die Speiseroehre begibt. Aber vielleicht sollten wir das off-list weiterdiskutieren ;-)
Bye, Tim.