Note: this is in reference to the english wikinews
We have tons of personal photo's of users for userpages. most of them are not licensed freely, if licensed at all (some of them even claim they are ''fair use'' which is a total load of ...). I personally think that they shouldn't be on wikinews whatsoever (as they'd probably also be on the user's page at wikipedia, etc, and we currently have no policy's regarding them, so it'd just be easier to make them go somewhere that already has a policy), so I propose:
*All new self photo's for user pages go on commons, and follow their policies ([[Commons:Criteria for inclusion#Wikimedia_Commons_is_a_common_central_media_repository_of_all_Wikimedia_projects]])
*old ones can stay [at wikinews], we won't delete them for now if there inproperly licensed as the user clearly wants them here, or decide what to do with them later
*any new one's have to be at commons, or they go into the black abyss of death and doom.
note: I'm cc-ing this commons-l, as it concerns them, and I have no idea if they'll like it or not, so if they say no, its not happening. its also posted on the wc at wikinews.