2007/7/27, Daniel Kinzler daniel@brightbyte.de:
"free content only" is a Wikimedia policy, it applies to all content served from any Wikimedia server. Moving logos to a different server does not solve the problem, it's just shifting it around, perhaps allowing Commons to ignore it.
There are basically only two options:
a) live with the slightly hypocritical current situation - i.e. making the logos an exception from the general policy.
I cannot see why the current situation is hypocrytical. The logos are not part of the Commons repository, they are uploaded to the Commons servers just because of operative/technical/logistical needs. But that is clearly stated that: "*notwithstanding any other statements, this image has not been licensed under the GFDL.* Use of the Wikimedia logo is subject to the *Wikimedia visual identity guidelineshttp://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Wikimedia_visual_identity_guidelines * and requires permission."
The only problem that I see is that in projects that do not allow non free content (such as eswiki) users tend to put Wikimedia copyrighted logos in the articles about Wikimedia projects (i.e. the main image in http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia). This is a violation of the project's policy (in this example, eswiki policy) but there is no reason to quit them from Commons because it is not a violation to use it in other places (i.e. http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plantilla:Commons). In this case, just a bigger and better explanation on the logos page could make things clear. Something like "This is non free, if your project does not allow nonfree images in articles, please do not use this image".