Hi folks
I just got the large format prints we will show at Open Expo Zürich (Switzerland) on Wednesdy. I will there hold a lightning talk on the social event at 19:00 with the exclusive content Wikimedia Commons. You're invited to be there! http://www.openexpo.ch/openexpo-2007-zuerich/
See the pictures that got selected for printing: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Napa/Wikipediatag#Gew.C3.A4hlte_Bilde... Thanks Wladyslaw, Nando and Dani for their job.
Short question for preparing my speech: Have we done similar events before? Where?
There are also some lessons learned for me: -It's really a stupid thing to require super sharp downsampled pictures at 100% on screen if the original image was larger. We including myself tend to do this on QI and FP today. When it comes to printing posters you'll need to upsample them and some information got lost. -Sharpening looks really different when seen on a print than on screen. For very large (<5MP) images we shall request optimization for printing and not for screen.
Anyway. I'll really be glad to see some of you guys at Open Expo or on Wikipedia Day Berne Sept 29th where we'll show the prints again.
Robin Schwab Wikimedia CH - Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens Wikimedia CH - Association for the Advancement of Free Knowledge