On 11/19/06, Matthew Brown morven@gmail.com wrote:
On 11/19/06, geni geniice@gmail.com wrote:
The complexity is due to the US's historic requirment of registration of copyright. So you get images that were never registered in the US (and were created before the chnage in the law) and were not covered by copyright in sweden at the time.
Are the images considered protected by copyright in Sweden now?
As far as I understand (the relivant law is here: http://sv.wikisource.org/wiki/Upphovsr%C3%A4ttslagen#.C3.96verg.C3.A5ngsbest... ) that would depend on the artistic value of the work. No I don'tknow what that means either and since the law is in swedish I have no real way of finding out.