2009/11/8 David Monniaux David.Monniaux@free.fr:
For the purpose of meeting officials and attempting to convince them to donate pictures to Flickr Commons or Wikimedia Commons, I'd need statistics about museums that already do so.
Do we have that available somewhere? (Numbers of pictures, how they are used on various project, how prevalent they are and so on.)
There are some incomplete pages for Wikimedia Commons at http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Commons_partnerships
http://www.indicommons.org/ seems to be a blog for Flickr Commons. I doubt you will find anything comprehensive there, but individual institutions may blog about their experience. e.g. http://www.powerhousemuseum.com/dmsblog/index.php/2008/05/06/commons-on-flic... http://www.powerhousemuseum.com/dmsblog/index.php/2009/10/06/augmented-reali...
cheers Brianna