Thanks for link, it was an intresting read. Adding to [[wikinews:In the news]]
P.S. first email i've recieved on this list for months. We should really try to use this more often. Compare to commons-l, I get on average 5 emails a day from there.
On 5/6/07, Brianna Laugher wrote:
Article in the Age: DIY journalism is not a real alternative Christopher Scanlon May 7, 2007
"The ease with which a blog or a news site can be set up fuels the myth that citizen journalism is free of constraints. However, the most popular sites aren't owned and controlled by altruistic charities intent on spreading free speech. They're controlled by entities that are driven by profit."
Well, we might not be one of the most popular sites, but "altruistic charities intent on spreading free speech" - sounds pretty close! :)
Wonder if he's aware of Wikinews?
cheers, Brianna user:pfctdayelise
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