I'm looking for help using the MediaWiki API to get some page view counts.
I'm able to get page view counts on some sites, such as the wikia muppet site: http://muppet.wikia.com//api.php?action=query&prop=info&titles=Beake...
But that's not working on en.wikipedia.org: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&titles=Health&prop=in...
That gives an error message that says: "Unrecognized value for parameter 'inprop': views".
A few questions: + Does that error message happen because Wikipedia is configured with $wgDisableCounters=true, or am I doing something wrong? + Is there some other API that I should look at for getting page counts? + Should I ping Henrik about maybe screen-scraping from his stats.grok.se page traffic stats pages?
Thanks, I appreciate any help you can give me. I'm doing this work as part of the Health Speaks effort to translate health information into more languages, and we want to get a sense of how useful the newly translated pages turn out to be.
Brian Skinner Health Speaks, Google.org http://sitescontent.google.com/healthspeaks/