I am writing a Java program to extract the abstract of the wikipedia page
given the title of the wikipedia page. I have done some research and found
out that the abstract with be in rvsection=0
So for example if I want the abstract of 'Eiffel Tower" wiki page then I am
querying using the api in the following way.
and parse the XML data which we get and take the wikitext in the tag <rev
xml:space="preserve"> which represents the abstract of the wikipedia page.
But this wiki text also contains the infobox data which I do not need. I
would like to know if there is anyway in which I can remove the infobox data
and get only the wikitext related to the page's abstract Or if there is any
alternative method by which I can get the abstract of the page directly.
Looking forward to your help.
Thanks in Advance
Aditya Uppu
When list=allusers is used with auactiveusers, a property 'recenteditcount'
is returned in the result. In bug 67301[1] it was pointed out that this
property is including various other logged actions, and so should really be
named something like "recentactions".
Gerrit change 130093,[2] merged today, adds the "recentactions" result
property. "recenteditcount" is also returned for backwards compatability,
but will be removed at some point during the MediaWiki 1.25 development
Any clients using this property should be updated to use the new property
name. The new property will be available on WMF wikis with 1.24wmf12, see
https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_1.24/Roadmap for the schedule.
[1]: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=67301
[2]: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/130093/
Brad Jorsch (Anomie)
Software Engineer
Wikimedia Foundation
Mediawiki-api-announce mailing list
i'd like to extract paragraph of articles already formatted, so to apply an
accordion on the content.
Is it possible to query the ID of the page like with action=mobileview?
in the same way of action=query&*pageids*=7955 ??
thank you,
Hi all!
We have some breaking API changes that will soon be deployed to wikidata.org.
The deployment date should be: 9th September 2015 (just under 2 weeks)
The change making the breaks an be found at:
The breaking changes are:
- XML output aliases are now grouped by language
- XML output may no longer give elements when they are empty
- XML any claim, qualifier, reference or snak elements that had an
'_idx' element will no longer have it
- ALL output may now give empty elements, ie. labels when an entity has none
If you want to see a wikipage explaining these changes take a look at:
If you have any questions regarding these breaking changes please ask!
Mediawiki-api-announce mailing list
Hello all
I am using the Proofreadpage extension to create a wiki of old Greek
legislation. I can upload the images and unproofed texts and create
all the Page: pages with mwclient, but I can for the life of me not
figure how to create the Index: pages with properly filled-in form
fields with the API. Example here:
(please don't save the page, or else the sample form will vanish).
Creating and saving the page is not a problem. The problem is how to
fill in the form fields before saving.
Does anyone know how to do this or have a pointer to something that
might get me on the right track?
For example a want to search "a+b+c" regex word in 1.000.000 page content.
I can get all page content (this mean i download the page content to my pc)
from api
and search it.
But i don't want to download 1.000.000 pages to my pc (because it is very
lazy search and too many bandwidth for me and for wikipedia),
i just want search a word from the server side?
Is it possible to search page content from server side and if page contain
my words then i get it's title?
i want like this query:
tl;dr: "PHP action API"
I'm organizing content in the mediawiki.org API namespace,
https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T105133 , and so back to this bikeshed
from August 2014.
We do now have the extra APIs. https://en.wikipedia.org/api/ names them
* PHP action API
* REST content API
I don't know who came up with the first name. I like it, it straddles Brad
> seems like "action API" and "api.php" are the two contenders.
I'm changing the API navigation accordingly,
https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:API but the shed isn't going
anywhere :)
FWIW in writing documentation, I've found "the core API" is misleading
because extensions add API modules to it. Is Wikidata part of "the core
API" when only one wiki implements all its wbXXX modules? A lot of API
clients rely on the extracts and pageimages modules, but they're not part
of core.
>>>> it was twelve months ago... >>>>
On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 10:00 AM, Tyler Romeo <tylerromeo(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Agreed with Aaron. When these proposed additional APIs are actually
> implemented, then we can start arguing about what to call them.
> I know that I personally will continue to call the API the “core web API”
> or sometimes just the “web API”, if it is clear based on the context in
> which I am talking.
> --
> Tyler Romeo
> 0x405D34A7C86B42DF
> From: Aaron Halfaker <ahalfaker(a)wikimedia.org>
> Cc: MediaWiki API announcements & discussion <
> mediawiki-api(a)lists.wikimedia.org>>
> Subject: Re: [Wikitech-l] [Mediawiki-api] Bikeshedding a good name for
> "the api.php API"
> As a heavy user, I generally just refer to the things api.php does as "the
> API". or "MediaWiki's web API" when I'm feeling verbose.
> I'd be confused about the "action API" since I generally use it to "read"
> which isn't really "action" -- even though it corresponds to "action=query"
> As for "the proposed REST API", I don't think that proposed things should
> affect the naming scheme of things we already know and love.
> Also, I think that all bike sheds should match the color of the house to
> (1) denote whose bike shed it is and (2) help tie the yard together like
> furniture in a living room.
> On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 3:50 PM, Sumana Harihareswara <
> sumanah(a)wikimedia.org
> > wrote:
> > I like "action API".
> >
> > Sumana Harihareswara
> > Senior Technical Writer
> > Wikimedia Foundation
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 5:06 PM, Brad Jorsch (Anomie) <
> > bjorsch(a)wikimedia.org
> > > wrote:
> >
> > > Summing up, it seems like "action API" and "api.php" are the two
> > > contenders.
> > >
> > > "api.php" is least likely to be confused with anything (only its own
> > entry
> > > point file). But as a name it's somewhat awkward.
> > >
> > > "action API" might be confused with the Action class and its
> subclasses,
> > > although that doesn't seem like a big deal.
> > >
> > >
> > > As for the rest:
> > >
> > > Just "API" is already causing confusion. Although it'll certainly
> > continue
> > > to be used in many contexts.
> > >
> > > "MediaWiki API", "Web API", and "MediaWiki web API" are liable to be
> > > confused with the proposed REST API, which is also supposed to be
> > > web-accessible and will theoretically part of MediaWiki (even though
> I'd
> > > guess it's probably going to be implemented as an -oid). "MediaWiki web
> > > APIs" may well grow to encompass the api.php action API, the REST API,
> > and
> > > maybe even stuff like Parsoid.
> > >
> > > "MediaWiki API" and "Core API" are liable to be confused with the
> various
> > > hooks and PHP classes used by extensions.
> > >
> > > "JSON API" wouldn't be accurate for well into the future, and would
> > likely
> > > be confused with other JSON-returning APIs such as Parsoid and maybe
> > REST.
> > >
> > > "Classic API" makes it sound like there's a full replacement.
> > >
> > > All the code name suggestions would be making things less clear, not
> > more.
> > > If it had started out with a code name there would be historical
> inertia,
> > > but using a code name now would just be silly.
=S Page WMF Tech writer