Hi all,
I am trying to update the contents of a page by using a cron job. I am able to do it by writing a query whcih will update the "old_text" field from the table "text" with the contents of a text file. But even after reloading the page, the contents do not get updated. I was told by one of the members that this was not the right way to do it. I should try using the API which is available. I tried to use the simple calls like login and action=query. They seem to work fine. But when i tried to use action=edit, I get the following error, "a:1:{s:5:"error";a:2:{s:4:"code";s:14:"unknown_action";s:4:"info";s:41:"Unrecognised value for parameter 'action'";}}"
I am using Mediawiki 1.11.2 with PHP 5.1.6.. I have the following 2 lines in my LocalSettings.php, $wgEnableAPI = true; $wgEnableWriteAPI = true;
Is it that this action is not allowed on this version of mediawiki. If so is there any other way around??
your help will be really appreciated.. Thank you. Sangram