I am writing a story about the WikiNews project for the New York Times. Both Erik Moeller and Jimmy Wales have provided me with very valuable insight into the project. It would be great to hear from some other contributors to WikiNews stories.
Below are a few short questions. If you've contributed to WikiNews and would like to participate in my story, please send me a reply with your answers to "wiki@bordella.com". I apologize for the somewhat impersonal nature of a listserv posting.
1. Why do you contribute to WikiNews?
2. Does your interest in WikiNews lean more toward original reporting, bringing diverse news sources together, or both, neither, etc.?
3. What has worked really well in the WikiNews process at this early stage? What would you consider the top priorities for issues that still need to be ironed out?
4. Have you contributed to WikiPedia or other WikiMedia projects in addition to WikiNews?
5. Can you cite one or two WikiNews articles you've contributed to?
6. Can you provide your (real) name, what you do, and where you live? Optional, but we're much more likely to cite you in the story with this real life information.
Although space in the story for direct quotations is limited, feel free to respond in as much or as little detail as you wish. This helps me most accurately reflect your views to our readers.
thanks for your time, Aaron Weiss