On Mon, 2009-12-07 at 12:57 -0800, Jon Davis wrote:
Hey! I get my 1% off the top no matter what, that was part of the cabal deal when I got 'crat'd.
One percent of nothing... is still nothing. :-P
That being said, I've not been paying attention, but I presume we're expecting a (hopefully) decently fair usage jump for this? A few thoughts:
- We really should set a site notice to dedicate a page (or at least a
topic on The Cooler), providing an advance warning for everything. There are a few slackers out there who we haven't whipped into shape and got them signed up for Wikinews-l yet.
There will also be a need for a decent post-mortem. I think on enWN everyone with Editor/Admin should review the full Skypecast. It will shed light on areas where it is difficult for people to quickly get involved. I know the Newsroom could do with more makeover (I put in a header; quick, dirty, but need to push an "urgency"); and, at least one of the other links from the main page's masthead is dull-as-ditchwater offputting - coma-inducing material.
The writing contest is already showing a nice number of signups, and I do intend to mention it. I really, really hope by time of recording there's some firm prize commitments to spice it up a bit. For that, I would really like to see frWN in GNews, and the competition. THEN I can ask Josh at GNews if they're interested, bilingual entrants can get a few extra points for doing in both languages, and - hopefully - google translate could get feedback on improving their translation engine.