Hello all,
What are the 'allowed' subjects in Wikinews? I have read the mission
statement and the discussion page, however that basically only says
distribute free news that anybody can re-use. So I would like to know,
what the welcome subjects, allowed subjects, and un-welcome or prohibited
subjects? Is there any info about how the subjects work internationally -
what I mean is are there any different rules for different countries,
when it comes to Wikinews?
Specifically, it says 'where anyone can write the news'. Let me make
a list of some examples (not meaning that I myself will try to write about
this, but that I want to know, as that will give me useful information.).
Anone, please tell me which are good, and feel free to elaborate a little
on why or why not. If it does not say 'original' or 're-writing' then it
basically means original reporting.
- Political news, less important reports
- Political news, breaking news
- Interview with (fairly known) fotball player
- Interview with (only locally known, in the city of origin) fotball player
- Report from fotball game (national level), only reporting what happened
(no interviews, no original photos)
- Interview with singer (famous only in country of origin)
- Interview with singer (only locally known)
- Report from concert (globally known singer, ex: Lady Gaga)
- Report from concert (only locally in the small city known singer)
- Review of say wines that are nice and good value for price, in the summer
(such stories go well in Sweden and the UK generally speaking)
- Story about how to make raspberry jam or raspberry pie, with the
fresh berries, focusing much on recipes
- Story about how to upgrade your Flash (Adobe Flash) for your Windows
- Report about Flash, including criticism regarding security
- Report about Flash, made as an interview with an expert, who is critical
regarding Flash and security
- Review of say new I-phone, or other gadget
- Report about research on sexual behaviour, like reports about if the
G-spot exists or not, based on university scientific reports
- Story about say the G-spot, based on only material in say Wikipedia
- Story about star, say like Paris Hilton, maybe what diet and skin
cleansers they use to stay beautiful - original reporting, interview
(maybe by telephone)
- Story about star, say like Paris Hilton, maybe what diet and skin
cleansers they use to stay beautiful - using exisiting sources on
the net and in magazines
- Story about the annual fiscal report from some major corporation
(at least listed on some stock market)
- Consumer stories, like 'the best credit cards for you', or 'the best
TV buys for soccer championship', or 'the best internet deals for
summer shoe shopping'
- Short report about road closures on important roads (like Paris
for french wikinews, Helsinki for finnish wikinews, etc), basically
just telleing what roads are closed for work and when
- Re-printing a press release from say Safeway, about opening a new
super-market (just taking the release more or less literally as-is)
- Debate article - relatively neutral, but still with a discernible
- Debate article - heavily pro one opinion, but researched and with
fact references
- Debate article - heavily pro one opinion, without much research
Yes, many examples, but it will give me a better picture of what is
in demand. It is not necessary to comment each of them.
Next question:
What is most important currently, for english Wikinews? If I was 'a site
owner', then I would first look for readership (whether the site was
commercial or non-commercial), secondly reputation and influence in
society, and probably also productivity, quality, appreciation by readers,
and of course making a profit if commercial. However, what are the vital
points, at the moment, for english Wikinews?
Best Regards from
Jan Wikiphoto, in Sweden