Blibbet has invited Wikipedia presentations for TA3M and I think Jonathan is working on a presentation to introduce tech-savvy non-Wikipedians to Wikipedia editing.
I have started to draft a presentation that gives a high-level overview of Wikimedia and Wikipedia that could be presented to TA3M and other technology, academic, or commercial audiences.
Here's an abbreviated version of the outline. Comments would be appreciated.
*Introduction: Wikimedia by the numbers
*Who does Wikipedia serve?
*Who creates and edits Wikipedia?
*What do people do on Wikipedia?
*How is Wikipedia curated and organized?
*How does communication happen on Wikipedia?
*Technology of Wikipedia
*Legal, privacy, and conflict-of-interest issues
*Fundraising and budget
*Grant programs
*Major online events, initiatives, and projects
*Major offline events, initiatives, and projects
*Wikipedia's sister projects
*The future