Dear all,
The international Wiki Loves Earth team is happy to announce the *winners
of WLE 2021*! We received more than 64k submissions by over 4k uploaders
from 34 countries and territories all over the world.
The international jury team had a challenging task — to select up to 20
international winners out of 390 winning photos on the local level. This
year, the international winners represent *two categories* — landscapes
(including individual trees if it’s a nature monument) and macro/close-up
(animals, plants, fungi).
Now, let’s meet top photos by category in our blog post:
you have any feedback and thoughts about the winning pictures, please feel
free to share.
Thanks a lot to each participant that uploaded photos, local organizers
that worked hard to make their contests happen, as well as local and
international jury members for their contribution and dedication to the
competition and evaluation.
Stay tuned and follow our news, further — more!
Best regards,
Anastasiia Petrova
Project Manager for International Wiki Loves Earth 2021