I've been trying to have my user remotely sign-in through my laravel/react site, but I've been reaching a dead-end.
After reading this post from 2017 : https://laracasts.com/discuss/channels/general-discussion/single-sign-on-mec...
I've followed the step for method 2 from: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Login
I've request a login token with the api with a "GET" call of "/api.php?action=query&format=json&meta=tokens&type=login"
and received for example:
Then I "POST" the result with the formData provided: (I am 100% sure those credentials are valid as I can use them to login)
1. action: clientlogin 2. username: TestUser 3. password: ******** 4. loginrequests: 5. loginmessageformat: wikitext 6. loginreturnurl: http://localhost:3000/ 7. logintoken: f90d08a1b279a521d24a4f629b678bb35ceda63d+\ 8. format: json
The response that I get back is:
{"warnings":{"main":{"*":"Unrecognized parameters: username, password."}},"clientlogin":{"status":"FAIL","message":"The supplied credentials could not be authenticated.","messagecode":"authmanager-authn-no-primary"}}
What am I missing to correctly remote login a user?
Any help would be appreciated.
AFAIK the parameters for the action 'clientlogin' are 'lgname' and 'lgpassword' and not 'username' and 'password'.
See the documentation: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Login
Anyway, hoping to be useful, here you are a little framework to simplify that part: https://github.com/valerio-bozzolan/boz-mw
In that way, can be just:
$wiki = \wm\MetaWiki.php::instance(); $wiki->login( $user, $password ); if( $wiki->isLogged() ) { echo "OK"; }
On Tue, 2019-05-28 at 17:34 -0400, Daniel Edery wrote:
Hello, I've been trying to have my user remotely sign-in through my laravel/react site, but I've been reaching a dead-end. After reading this post from 2017 : https://laracasts.com/discuss/cha nnels/general-discussion/single-sign-on-mechanism-for-laravel-and- mediawiki?page=0 I've followed the step for method 2 from: https://www.mediawiki.org/w iki/API:Login I've request a login token with the api with a "GET" call of "/api.php?action=query&format=json&meta=tokens&type=login" and received for example: "97b2edb716fa7b13f2955c79e7f8f0205ceda2c6+\" Then I "POST" the result with the formData provided: (I am 100% sure those credentials are valid as I can use them to login) action: clientlogin username: TestUser password: ******** loginrequests: loginmessageformat: wikitext loginreturnurl: http://localhost:3000/ logintoken: f90d08a1b279a521d24a4f629b678bb35ceda63d+\ format: json The response that I get back is: {"warnings":{"main":{"*": "Unrecognized parameters: username, password."}},"clientlogin":{"status": "FAIL","message": "The supplied credentials could not be authenticated.","messagecode": "authmanager- authn-no-primary"}} What am I missing to correctly remote login a user? Any help would be appreciated. Daniel
Mediawiki-api mailing list Mediawiki-api@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-api
On Wed, May 29, 2019 at 2:11 AM Valerio Bozzolan boz+wiki@reyboz.it wrote:
AFAIK the parameters for the action 'clientlogin' are 'lgname' and 'lgpassword' and not 'username' and 'password'.
You are confusing action=clientlogin with the older action=login.
On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 5:35 PM Daniel Edery dedery@magnatech.com wrote:
The response that I get back is:
{"warnings":{"main":{"*": "Unrecognized parameters: username, password."}} [...]
What am I missing to correctly remote login a user?
It seems that your wiki is not configured for the normal password-based login. What do you get if you request api.php?action=query&meta=authmanagerinfo&amirequestsfor=login on your wiki?
P.S. Please wrap your long lines, or at least don't embed them in a <div> styled with white-space: nowrap.