As far as I have understood, the API should permit to create/edit pages as described in the proposal found at
In the last version of API developped, I did not found this functionnality. Is it planned to develop it ? If yes, when ?
Thanks for your help.
Marion Leclerc
Here is a script I wrote to create wiki pages from wiki and other sources using the api. Hopefully this helps you (or someone else out):
<?php /* * Wiki on Inside New Page from Post Creator - Jason Kuter 11/2007 * * This script receives a post from anything, though currently expecting wiki to be sending it. It then * takes the post information and sends it to make a new wiki page via the wiki api. Since the wiki api * is so immature this script can only create new pages and relies on the uer having logged into wiki * previously so the wiki logon cookies reside in their session. This script supports email as well and will * send one when requested. * * The following post values are listened to: * * $_POST['user'] required to exist so we can edit as that user * $_POST['summary'] optional to set wiki edit summary (will also be email subject if send email is true) * $_POST['category'] optional to set category of new page (nice for collection) * $_POST['title'] option if you want to set page title, otherwise unique title created using user and date * $_POST['to'] optional is you want to email someone the contents. You could seperate by , if you want to mail more than one person * $_POST['JobNo'] optional if you want to append wiki link into existing bat job */
//Pull in pear classes require_once "classes/mail/Mail.php"; require_once "classes/mime/mime.php"; //Snoopy Browser require_once("classes/Snoopy.class.php"); //wiki api url $apiURL = "http://%22.$_SERVER%5B%27HTTP_HOST%27%5D.%22/phpapps/wiki/api.php"; //set wiki user $wikiUser = isset($_POST['user']) ? trim($_POST['user']) : false; //check we were posted a username and use it log in making sure its not an IP if ($wikiUser != false && !is_numeric($wikiUser{0})) { //try and log into wiki logintoWiki($wikiUser,$apiURL); //set up some basic information needed to create a new page $date = date(DATE_RFC822); $batJob = !empty($_POST['JobNo']) ? trim($_POST['JobNo']) : ""; $category = !empty($_POST['category']) ? "[[Category:".trim($_POST['category'])."]]" : ""; $summary = !empty($_POST['summary']) ? trim($_POST['summary']) : "$wikiUser created new page"; $title = !empty($_POST['title']) ? trim($_POST['title']) : "$summary on $date for $wikiUser"; $sendEmail = !empty($_POST['email']) && !empty($_POST['to']) ? true : false; //set up body of wiki page $formData = "{|class="wikitable sortable"\n!Checklist Item!!Value\n|-\n"; $ignore_fields = array("to", "email", "summary", "title", "category", "Submit_Checklist"); foreach ($_POST as $key=>$value) { if (!in_array($key, $ignore_fields)) { $formData .= "\n|$key||$value\n|-\n"; } } $formData .= "|}\n"; $formData .= "\n$category";
//create a new page $pageCreated = makeNewWikiPage($title,$apiURL,$summary,$formData); //if successful send them there and do other requested actions if ($pageCreated) { //apend a bat job if asked if ($batJob != "") { $appendBatJobParams = array( "user"=> $wikiUser, "link"=> "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']. "/wiki/" . $title, "job"=> $batJob ); //this may take a sec depending on how long it takes the perl script on the other end to respond $appendBatJob = getSnooped("http://www-internal/includes/php/batjobcommenter.php%22,$appen dBatJobParams); } //send email if asked if (isset($_POST['to'])) { $to = $_POST['to']; $from = !empty($_POST['from']) ? $_POST['from'] : ""; $body = "$title Wiki page was created properly"; $itmailed = mailit($to,$body,$from,$summary,""); if ($itmailed !== true) { die($itmailed); } } header("Location: http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']. "/wiki/" . $title); // handle the page not created error } else { echo "<h1 style="color:red">Error: The page was not created properly, please contact <a href=""></a>"; //send email if asked also send error email if ($sendEmail) { $to = $_POST['to']; $from = !empty($_POST['from']) ? $_POST['from'] : ""; $body = "There was an error with new wiki page $title's creation via Wiki Api Page Creator"; $itmailed = mailit($to,$body,$from,$summary,""); if ($itmailed !== true) { die($itmailed); } } else { $body = "There was an error with new wiki page $title's creation via Wiki Api Page Creator"; $itmailed = mailit("",$body,$from,$summary,""); if ($itmailed !== true) { die($itmailed); } } } } else { // no username to work on echo "<h1 style="color:red">Error: You need to log into wiki before you can submit.</h1>\n"; echo "<script>setTimeout("document.location.href='".$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ."'",2000);</script>"; }
//create new wiki page from submitted content function makeNewWikiPage($title,$apiURL,$summary,$formData) { //Parameters to send to api for edit token $titleURLParams = array( "action"=>"query", "prop"=>"info", "titles"=>$title, "intoken"=>"edit", "format"=>"php" ); //get edit token response from api $titleResponse = unserialize(getSnooped($apiURL,$titleURLParams)); //flattens the deep array returned by the api $titleResponseFlat = array_flatten($titleResponse); //make sure we have a token $editToken = !empty($titleResponseFlat['edittoken']) ? $titleResponseFlat['edittoken'] : -1; //If edit token is granted send content to new page if ($editToken != -1) { $newPageURLParams = array( "action"=>"query", "title"=>$title, "edittoken"=>$editToken, "format"=>"php", "summary"=>$summary, "content"=>$formData ); $makeNewPageResponse = getSnooped($apiURL,$newPageURLParams); } else { die("I am unable to get an edit token and can not continue"); } //as long as there isn't an error return true - this is stupid because the wiki api is immature if (strpos($makeNewPageResponse,'error') !== true) { return true; } else { return false; } }
//This function attempts to log into wiki in order to grab cookies function logintoWiki($wikiUser,$apiURL) { //Parameters to send to api for login token $loginURLParams = array( "action"=>"login", "lgname"=>$wikiUser, "lgpassword"=>"", "lgdomain"=>"", "format"=>"php" ); //get login token response from api $loginResponse = unserialize(getSnooped($apiURL,$loginURLParams)); //flattens the deep array returned by the api $loginResponseFlat = array_flatten($loginResponse); //make sure we have a token $loginToken = $loginResponseFlat['result'] == "Success" ? true : false; if ($loginToken == false) { die('Invalid User Name Sent-You must wait 60 seconds before trying again.'); } else { return true; } }
//Snoopy function acts as a web browser to access api sending along users cookies function getSnooped($url,$vars){ $snoopy = new Snoopy; //argg - gotta send sookies because logon tokens were removed from api $snoopy->cookies["inside_wikiToken"] = $_COOKIE["inside_wikiToken"]; $snoopy->cookies["inside_wikiUserID"] = $_COOKIE["inside_wikiUserID"]; $snoopy->cookies["inside_wikiUserName"] = $_COOKIE["inside_wikiUserName"]; $snoopy->cookies["inside_wiki_session"] = $_COOKIE["inside_wiki_session"]; $snoopy->submit($url,$vars); $snoopy->setcookies(); return $snoopy->results; }
//flattens the deep array returned by the api function array_flatten($array, $preserve_keys = 1, &$newArray = Array()) { foreach ($array as $key => $child) { if (is_array($child)) { $newArray =& array_flatten($child, $preserve_keys, $newArray); } elseif ($preserve_keys + is_string($key) > 1) { $newArray[$key] = $child; } else { $newArray[] = $child; } } return $newArray; }
// Sends email and returns pear error message if no go function mailit($to,$bodyhtml,$from,$subject,$cc) { $crlf = "\n"; $headers = array("To" => $to,"From" => $from,"Subject" => $subject,"Cc" => $cc); $mime = new Mail_mime($crlf); $mime->setHTMLBody($bodyhtml); $body = $mime->get(); $headers = $mime->headers($headers); // Create the mail object using the pear Mail::factory method $mail_object =& Mail::factory("mail"); $itmailed = $mail_object->send($to, $headers, $body); if (PEAR::isError($itmailed)) { $itmailed = $send->getMessage(); return $itmailed; } else { return true; } }
From: [] On Behalf Of Sent: Friday, December 07, 2007 9:00 AM To: MediaWiki API announcements & discussion Subject: [Mediawiki-api] API - Possibility to create/edit pages
As far as I have understood, the API should permit to create/edit pages as described in the proposal found at
In the last version of API developped, I did not found this functionnality. Is it planned to develop it ? If yes, when ?
Thanks for your help.
Marion Leclerc schreef:
In the last version of API developped, I did not found this functionnality. Is it planned to develop it ? If yes, when ?
A partial implementation can be found in the apiedit_vodafone branch [1]. I don't know if it works well, or if it even works at all, but you could try it out. Editing pages through the API is not (yet) available at Wikipedia, though. There are plans to finish this stuff, which involve my Christmas break :-)
Roan Kattouw (Catrope)