I'd like to obtain the pageid of a page, even if the page has been deleted. Requests like this onehttp://fr.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?rvprop=content%7Cids%7Ctimestamp&prop=revisions%7Cinfo&action=query&titles=Synapse_Graphics&format=xmlreturn the pageid only if the page is still existing.
I have written a tool, WikiCleanerhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:NicoV/Wikipedia_Cleaner/Documentation, that can, among other things, help for the Check Wikipedia Projecthttp://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benutzer:Stefan_K%C3%BChn/Check_Wikipedia . When an error is fixed, my tool calls an URL to notify the fix has been done (see the Done button on this pagehttp://toolserver.org/%7Esk/cgi-bin/checkwiki/checkwiki.cgi?project=enwiki&view=only&id=58 ). In the URL, there's a parameter required for the pageid. When the page has been deleted since the error was detected, I'd like to automatically notify the fix has been done, but I can't get the pageid from the API.
El 04/04/10 17:43, Nicolas Vervelle wrote:
I'd like to obtain the pageid of a page, even if the page has been deleted. Requests like this one http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?rvprop=content%7Cids%7Ctimestamp&prop=revisions%7Cinfo&action=query&titles=Synapse_Graphics&format=xml return the pageid only if the page is still existing.
I have written a tool, WikiCleaner http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:NicoV/Wikipedia_Cleaner/Documentation, that can, among other things, help for the Check Wikipedia Project http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benutzer:Stefan_K%C3%BChn/Check_Wikipedia. When an error is fixed, my tool calls an URL to notify the fix has been done (see the Done button on this page http://toolserver.org/%7Esk/cgi-bin/checkwiki/checkwiki.cgi?project=enwiki&view=only&id=58). In the URL, there's a parameter required for the pageid. When the page has been deleted since the error was detected, I'd like to automatically notify the fix has been done, but I can't get the pageid from the API.
Is that really useful? I'd ask Stefan to allow a title if the page was deleted.
On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 11:18 PM, Platonides platonides@gmail.com wrote:
El 04/04/10 17:43, Nicolas Vervelle wrote:
I'd like to obtain the pageid of a page, even if the page has been
Requests like this one <
return the pageid only if the page is still existing.
I have written a tool, WikiCleaner <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:NicoV/Wikipedia_Cleaner/Documentation , that can, among other things, help for the Check Wikipedia Project <http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benutzer:Stefan_K%C3%BChn/Check_Wikipedia . When an error is fixed, my tool calls an URL to notify the fix has been done (see the Done button on this page <
). In the URL, there's a parameter required for the pageid. When the page has been deleted since the error was detected, I'd like to automatically notify the fix has been done, but I can't get the pageid from the API.
Is that really useful? I'd ask Stefan to allow a title if the page was deleted.
Thanks, I asked Stefan. I hope he will be ok to allow this.