I found similar cases that UPLOAD update is lack of page_id. recentchange page http://commons.wikimedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&format=xml&rccontinue=20141201163618|142850059&continue=-||&list=recentchanges&rclimit=500&rcnamespace=0%7C2%7C4%7C6%7C10%7C14%7C100%7C828&rcprop=comment%7Cflags%7Cids%7Cloginfo%7Csizes%7Ctimestamp%7Ctitle%7Cuser
<rc type="log" ns="6" title="File:Siegelmarke Der Persönliche Adjutant Seiner Königlichen Hoheit des Prinzen Georg von Preussen W0204563.jpg" pageid="0" revid="0" old_revid="0"rcid="142847103" user="Nicolas Rück (WMDE) " oldlen="0" newlen="0" timestamp="2014-12-01T16:29:40Z" comment="[[Commons:GLAMwiki Toolset Project|GWToolset]]: Creating mediafile for Nicolas Rück (WMDE)." logid="103976391" logtype="upload" logaction="*overwrite*" img_sha1=" swlwd4u41zhuaa0sq0x2pzuhzkr7xna" img_timestamp="2014-12-01T16:29:40Z"/>
<rc type="log" ns="6" title="File:Siegelmarke Glogau - Saganer Fürstenthums Landschaft W0204559.jpg" pageid="0" revid="0" old_revid="0" rcid="142847096" user="Nicolas Rück (WMDE)" oldlen="0" newlen="0" timestamp=" 2014-12-01T16:29:40Z" comment="[[Commons:GLAMwiki Toolset Project|GWToolset]]: Creating mediafile for Nicolas Rück (WMDE)."logid=" 103976394" logtype="upload" logaction="*overwrite*" img_sha1=" 3o7mqqobcibbnnwj8x166gmrxj5rbtb" img_timestamp="2014-12-01T16:29:40Z"/>
<rc type="log" ns="6" title="File:Siegelmarke Königlich Preussisches Haus - Archiv W0204564.jpg" pageid="0" revid="0" old_revid="0" rcid="142847109" user="Nicolas Rück (WMDE)"oldlen="0" newlen="0" timestamp=" 2014-12-01T16:29:40Z" comment="[[Commons:GLAMwiki Toolset Project|GWToolset]]: Creating mediafile for Nicolas Rück (WMDE)." logid=" 103976393"logtype="upload" logaction="*overwrite*" img_sha1=" sx4uuswlcbh3itwrr4dy67u0s9ca18h" img_timestamp="2014-12-01T16:29:40Z"/>
It seems the lack of page_id problem only shows on *logaction="overwrite"* situation. Could you please take a look and see if this is a systematic bug?
Thanks, Yijun
On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 1:21 AM, Brad Jorsch (Anomie) bjorsch@wikimedia.org wrote:
On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 11:03 AM, bawolff bawolff+wn@gmail.com wrote:
There was a bug in older mw where upload log entry was made before page creation, so it did not have the page id. So many older upload log entries are like this if the page didnt exist prior to upload.
I think there's a different bug going on here.
The problem seems rather infrequent: 249 out of 58568 uploads since Jan 1 on Commons. And the ones I spot-checked show multiple uploads at about the same time, which makes me suspect that what might be happening is that users are clicking "upload" twice, LocalFile::recordUpload2 is managing to get $exists == false for both, but then one of the calls to $wikiPage->doEditContent fails (so mArticleID in the Title object never gets updated), and recordUpload2 never checks for this failure.
-- Brad Jorsch (Anomie) Software Engineer Wikimedia Foundation
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