2009/7/22 Robert Ullmann rlullmann@gmail.com:
This only affects the options offered on the RC page. It does not even limit those (you can fill in a different number of days in the URL). It has no effect on the API.
The limit on the API is the RC table itself, see http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Recentchanges_table which describes $wgRCMaxAge
It would be good if we could retrieve some of these things with the API.
Indeed... it seems to me that any config variables that impact on anything you access via the API could well be relevant.
Hmmm...I could probably even manage to write a patch to add this. If we keep adding items to siprop in meta=siteinfo, will that be the right place for them?
e.g. api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=rcmaxage
cheers Brianna