On 10-06-05 03:25 PM, Ravi Parimi wrote:
The doc for this module seems pretty sparse and the examples therein are not easy to use/adapt :(
Well, they were totally *wrong* until a few moments ago. I'm working on it! See http://code.google.com/p/perlwikipedia/source/browse/trunk/lib/MediaWiki/Bot... (Note your login data is passed as another hashref)
But as I said earlier: I missed that you're dealing with basic auth. We don't have any way to deal with that currently. I've opened a bug report, and I hope we can support that soon.
Do you have any working examples of connecting to a wiki page and performing simple tasks such as examining history of pages, editing them etc..?
BTW, I am setting Reply-To to the perlwikibot Google Group. This is no longer related to the MediaWiki API.
- -Mike