Le 23/12/2009 20:27, Roan Kattouw a écrit :
2009/12/23 JonathanMMjonathanmm@free.fr:
Hello, I will use the mediawiki API to edit page in my wiki. First, with POST requets, I make : api.php?action=login&lgname=***&lgpassword=***&format=xml I take the cookies and send, also in POST, : api.php?action=query&prop=info|revisions&intoken=edit&titles=Utilisateur:JonathanMM/Test_Trillian&format=xml I have a token. I take this token and use the urlencode function in this token. Then, I make : http://www.nocle.fr/nolife-wiki/api.php?action=edit&title=Utilisateur:Jo...
Could you echo or var_dump() the value of $token and tell us?
Roan Kattouw (Catrope)
No problem : var_dump($token); string(38) "cf34d859be3d7ee167bab0c2afafdfda%2B%5C"