Without JSON? Do you mean action=raw https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Douglas+Adams&action=raw, maybe? But that contains wiki markup.
Il 13/12/2014 15:16, misaka83@hush.com ha scritto:
Sorry, this is not what I was looking for. I need it without the json stuff and everything. But thank you.
On 13.12.2014 at 3:46 PM, "Ricordisamoa" ricordisamoa@openmailbox.org wrote:
Il 13/12/2014 13:30, misaka83@hush.com ha scritto: Hello everyone, how can I extract just clean plain text from a Wikipedia article? Without wiki-stuff, without html, without pictures, without json. Just clean text. I can't seem to find this exact solution. Best regards Mikoto Use the TextExtracts API <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:TextExtracts#API>. For example, this query <https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&titles=Douglas+Adams&prop=extracts&explaintext=1&exintro=1> returns the lead section of the English Wikipedia article Douglas Adams <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_Adams> in plain text.