Is there a way for the API to tell me the English name of a language?
For example, using the code "fr", I'd like it to get "French" (not "Français").
This API call gives me a list of all the languages, with their local names, but I would like their English names: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=...
<lang code="en" xml:space="preserve">English</lang> <lang code="fr" xml:space="preserve">Français</lang> <lang code="es" xml:space="preserve">Español</lang> <lang code="ja" xml:space="preserve">日本語</lang> <lang code="ru" xml:space="preserve">Русский</lang>
This page lists all the Wikipedias, with the English name for the language in the second column, but I don't know whether that info is accessible by API: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wikipedias#1_000_000.2B_articles
1 English English en 3 French Français fr 7 Spanish Español es 6 Japanese 日本語 ja 10 Russian Русский ru
Thank you, and happy birthday Wikipedia!
Kai Carver (Kaicarver) Paris, France