On Thursday 11 March 2010 15:14:49 Roan Kattouw wrote:
No, there are no such limitations. ERR_INVALID_REQ seems to indicate there's something wrong with your request, could you pastebin an example of a full request that fails, including all headers? Also, does retrying the request help?
I pasted a snippet of the code on pastebin.ca and you can find it at http://pastebin.ca/1833958 (I posted only the function that I'm having troubles with).
It is written on php. The commented "$this->text" (the first one) fails each time I try with "Error: ERR_INVALID_REQ, errno [No Error]". The uncommented "$this->text" (the second one) variable works all the time, and this is the response: <?xml version="1.0"?><api><edit result="Success" pageid="26495486" title="Wikipedia:WikiProject Albania/publicwatchlistauto" oldrevid="349201137" newrevid="349241149" newtimestamp="2010-03-11T16:15:39Z" />
This is the page that I'm dealing with: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia%3AWikiProject_Albania/publicwatchlist...
Basically the script takes all articles tagged with "WikiProject Albania" and puts them in a Public Watchlist, to track changes easily.