Hi, I'm experimenting with the api, I'm interested in create a bot to upload images. This is my code (I'm using the Snoopy.php class):
# get token $getToken = array( 'action' => 'query', 'prop' => 'info', 'intoken' => 'edit', 'titles' => 'Wiki1', 'format' => 'php');
echo "<br/>"; if(!$snoopy->submit($api_url, $getToken)) echo "TOKEN DENIED"; else echo "GOT TOKEN"; echo "<br/>";
$array_ = unserialize($snoopy->results);
$myFile = fopen("/var/www/dib.jpg","r"); $returned = fread($myFile, 500); while($devuelto != false) { $fileContent .= $returned; $returned = fread($myFile, 500); }
#upload $uploadVars['format'] = 'php'; $uploadVars['action'] = 'upload'; $uploadVars['filename'] = 'wikip.png'; $uploadVars['url'] = 'http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/bc/Wiki.png '; $uploadVars['file'] = $fileContent; $uploadVars['token'] = $array_["query"]["pages"][key($array_["query"]["pages"])]["edittoken"];
$snoopy->set_submit_multipart(); echo "<br/>"; if(!$snoopy->submit($api_url, $uploadVars)) echo "UPLOAD DENIED"; else echo "UPLOAD OK"; echo "<br/>";
$array_ = unserialize($snoopy->results); echo "<br/>-----------<br/>"; print_r($array_); echo "<br/>.....................<br/>"; echo $snoopy->results; echo "<br/>-----------";
The execution of this code produce the output bellow: GOT TOKEN
----------- ..................... -----------
It's supposed I should receive something like this in the last step:
<api> <upload result="Success" filename="Test.txt"> <imageinfo timestamp="2000-01-01T00:00:00Z" user="" anon="" size="1000" width="0" height="0" url="http://localhost/images/3/35/Test.txt" descriptionurl="http://localhost/index.php/File:Test.txt" comment="" sha1="b8f32ebbf9512d8641d7e72c86614c2cee3e8108" metadata="" mime="text/plain" bitdepth="0" /> </upload> </api>
In fact, nothing really happen, no file is uploaded (the file exists).
Some useful information: PHP 5.3.3 Ubuntu10.10 mediawiki1.16.0