On Mon, 23 Mar 2015 14:56:47 +0100, Brad Jorsch (Anomie) bjorsch@wikimedia.org wrote:
If you make use of interfaces provided by a module, you must add a dependency on that module.
I must have misunderstood something. If all dependencies have to be declared then why does ResourcesTest::testIllegalDependencies() explicitly complain about 'jquery' and 'mediawiki'?
All dependencies with the exception of these two. 'jquery' and 'mediawiki' are required for the code which loads other modules, and therefore they're loaded in a special way themselves.
(Specifying them as dependencies was mostly harmless up to MW 1.23, if I recall, and now will break your code in horrible ways starting with 1.24. This is a messy bug caused by nasty internals that no one really wants to fix, I'm afraid.)