On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 1:20 PM, Liangent liangent@gmail.com wrote:
Well you can just use Title::moveTo() directly.
Yes, this. It's rarely necessary and often a mistake to use FauxRequest to call the local wiki's API. And using curl to hit the local wiki is likely even worse.
On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 2:49 PM, Justin Maldonado info@keyappraising.comwrote:
I figured there was something like that I could use, but wasn't sure if I'd be able to figure it out. (remember, is noob)
I'm guessing it would be something along the lines of
$auth = *true*,
$reason = $param3,
$createRedirect = *true*
Title::moveTo isn't a static method. You'd do something like this:
$oldTitle = Title::newFromText( $param1 ); $newTitle = Title::newFromText( $param2 ); // Error checking here $oldTitle->moveTo( $newTitle, true, $param3, true ); // More error checking here
If you need additional help, you might want to try the wikitech-l mailing list, or ask on IRC (#mediawiki on freenode).