Here is a script I wrote to create wiki pages from wiki and other sources using the api. Hopefully this helps you (or someone else out):
<?php /* * Wiki on Inside New Page from Post Creator - Jason Kuter 11/2007 * * This script receives a post from anything, though currently expecting wiki to be sending it. It then * takes the post information and sends it to make a new wiki page via the wiki api. Since the wiki api * is so immature this script can only create new pages and relies on the uer having logged into wiki * previously so the wiki logon cookies reside in their session. This script supports email as well and will * send one when requested. * * The following post values are listened to: * * $_POST['user'] required to exist so we can edit as that user * $_POST['summary'] optional to set wiki edit summary (will also be email subject if send email is true) * $_POST['category'] optional to set category of new page (nice for collection) * $_POST['title'] option if you want to set page title, otherwise unique title created using user and date * $_POST['to'] optional is you want to email someone the contents. You could seperate by , if you want to mail more than one person * $_POST['JobNo'] optional if you want to append wiki link into existing bat job */
//Pull in pear classes require_once "classes/mail/Mail.php"; require_once "classes/mime/mime.php"; //Snoopy Browser require_once("classes/Snoopy.class.php"); //wiki api url $apiURL = "http://%22.$_SERVER%5B%27HTTP_HOST%27%5D.%22/phpapps/wiki/api.php"; //set wiki user $wikiUser = isset($_POST['user']) ? trim($_POST['user']) : false; //check we were posted a username and use it log in making sure its not an IP if ($wikiUser != false && !is_numeric($wikiUser{0})) { //try and log into wiki logintoWiki($wikiUser,$apiURL); //set up some basic information needed to create a new page $date = date(DATE_RFC822); $batJob = !empty($_POST['JobNo']) ? trim($_POST['JobNo']) : ""; $category = !empty($_POST['category']) ? "[[Category:".trim($_POST['category'])."]]" : ""; $summary = !empty($_POST['summary']) ? trim($_POST['summary']) : "$wikiUser created new page"; $title = !empty($_POST['title']) ? trim($_POST['title']) : "$summary on $date for $wikiUser"; $sendEmail = !empty($_POST['email']) && !empty($_POST['to']) ? true : false; //set up body of wiki page $formData = "{|class="wikitable sortable"\n!Checklist Item!!Value\n|-\n"; $ignore_fields = array("to", "email", "summary", "title", "category", "Submit_Checklist"); foreach ($_POST as $key=>$value) { if (!in_array($key, $ignore_fields)) { $formData .= "\n|$key||$value\n|-\n"; } } $formData .= "|}\n"; $formData .= "\n$category";
//create a new page $pageCreated = makeNewWikiPage($title,$apiURL,$summary,$formData); //if successful send them there and do other requested actions if ($pageCreated) { //apend a bat job if asked if ($batJob != "") { $appendBatJobParams = array( "user"=> $wikiUser, "link"=> "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']. "/wiki/" . $title, "job"=> $batJob ); //this may take a sec depending on how long it takes the perl script on the other end to respond $appendBatJob = getSnooped("http://www-internal/includes/php/batjobcommenter.php%22,$appen dBatJobParams); } //send email if asked if (isset($_POST['to'])) { $to = $_POST['to']; $from = !empty($_POST['from']) ? $_POST['from'] : ""; $body = "$title Wiki page was created properly"; $itmailed = mailit($to,$body,$from,$summary,""); if ($itmailed !== true) { die($itmailed); } } header("Location: http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']. "/wiki/" . $title); // handle the page not created error } else { echo "<h1 style="color:red">Error: The page was not created properly, please contact <a href=""></a>"; //send email if asked also send error email if ($sendEmail) { $to = $_POST['to']; $from = !empty($_POST['from']) ? $_POST['from'] : ""; $body = "There was an error with new wiki page $title's creation via Wiki Api Page Creator"; $itmailed = mailit($to,$body,$from,$summary,""); if ($itmailed !== true) { die($itmailed); } } else { $body = "There was an error with new wiki page $title's creation via Wiki Api Page Creator"; $itmailed = mailit("",$body,$from,$summary,""); if ($itmailed !== true) { die($itmailed); } } } } else { // no username to work on echo "<h1 style="color:red">Error: You need to log into wiki before you can submit.</h1>\n"; echo "<script>setTimeout("document.location.href='".$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ."'",2000);</script>"; }
//create new wiki page from submitted content function makeNewWikiPage($title,$apiURL,$summary,$formData) { //Parameters to send to api for edit token $titleURLParams = array( "action"=>"query", "prop"=>"info", "titles"=>$title, "intoken"=>"edit", "format"=>"php" ); //get edit token response from api $titleResponse = unserialize(getSnooped($apiURL,$titleURLParams)); //flattens the deep array returned by the api $titleResponseFlat = array_flatten($titleResponse); //make sure we have a token $editToken = !empty($titleResponseFlat['edittoken']) ? $titleResponseFlat['edittoken'] : -1; //If edit token is granted send content to new page if ($editToken != -1) { $newPageURLParams = array( "action"=>"query", "title"=>$title, "edittoken"=>$editToken, "format"=>"php", "summary"=>$summary, "content"=>$formData ); $makeNewPageResponse = getSnooped($apiURL,$newPageURLParams); } else { die("I am unable to get an edit token and can not continue"); } //as long as there isn't an error return true - this is stupid because the wiki api is immature if (strpos($makeNewPageResponse,'error') !== true) { return true; } else { return false; } }
//This function attempts to log into wiki in order to grab cookies function logintoWiki($wikiUser,$apiURL) { //Parameters to send to api for login token $loginURLParams = array( "action"=>"login", "lgname"=>$wikiUser, "lgpassword"=>"", "lgdomain"=>"", "format"=>"php" ); //get login token response from api $loginResponse = unserialize(getSnooped($apiURL,$loginURLParams)); //flattens the deep array returned by the api $loginResponseFlat = array_flatten($loginResponse); //make sure we have a token $loginToken = $loginResponseFlat['result'] == "Success" ? true : false; if ($loginToken == false) { die('Invalid User Name Sent-You must wait 60 seconds before trying again.'); } else { return true; } }
//Snoopy function acts as a web browser to access api sending along users cookies function getSnooped($url,$vars){ $snoopy = new Snoopy; //argg - gotta send sookies because logon tokens were removed from api $snoopy->cookies["inside_wikiToken"] = $_COOKIE["inside_wikiToken"]; $snoopy->cookies["inside_wikiUserID"] = $_COOKIE["inside_wikiUserID"]; $snoopy->cookies["inside_wikiUserName"] = $_COOKIE["inside_wikiUserName"]; $snoopy->cookies["inside_wiki_session"] = $_COOKIE["inside_wiki_session"]; $snoopy->submit($url,$vars); $snoopy->setcookies(); return $snoopy->results; }
//flattens the deep array returned by the api function array_flatten($array, $preserve_keys = 1, &$newArray = Array()) { foreach ($array as $key => $child) { if (is_array($child)) { $newArray =& array_flatten($child, $preserve_keys, $newArray); } elseif ($preserve_keys + is_string($key) > 1) { $newArray[$key] = $child; } else { $newArray[] = $child; } } return $newArray; }
// Sends email and returns pear error message if no go function mailit($to,$bodyhtml,$from,$subject,$cc) { $crlf = "\n"; $headers = array("To" => $to,"From" => $from,"Subject" => $subject,"Cc" => $cc); $mime = new Mail_mime($crlf); $mime->setHTMLBody($bodyhtml); $body = $mime->get(); $headers = $mime->headers($headers); // Create the mail object using the pear Mail::factory method $mail_object =& Mail::factory("mail"); $itmailed = $mail_object->send($to, $headers, $body); if (PEAR::isError($itmailed)) { $itmailed = $send->getMessage(); return $itmailed; } else { return true; } }
From: [] On Behalf Of Sent: Friday, December 07, 2007 9:00 AM To: MediaWiki API announcements & discussion Subject: [Mediawiki-api] API - Possibility to create/edit pages
As far as I have understood, the API should permit to create/edit pages as described in the proposal found at
In the last version of API developped, I did not found this functionnality. Is it planned to develop it ? If yes, when ?
Thanks for your help.
Marion Leclerc