On 31/01/12 17:25, Tom Hutchison wrote:
Same for all of them, whether there is 2, 3 or 4 header sets in the php script.
The only time the Content-Length vanished from the header was when I requested just the header without setting the Content-Length.
So the question becomes, since this server is forcing the Content-Length to be appended to the header, how do I stop the API from writing the extra Content-Length to the header?
Thanks for your help! Tom
Looks like a nginx bug. They are always adding a Content-Length. Even if one was already provided by the cgi. I suspect the MediaWiki one was added in wfDoContentLength() at includes/OutputHandler.php Ironically, it was added in order to improve compatibilty with squid. You could comment that line, but the bug should be fixed at ngninx.