That depends on what exactly you need. If you want article wikitext, then you should use something like action=query&prop=revisions&rvprop=content. If you want usage of some template, that would be action=query&prop=templates (probably together with tltemplates=TheTemplateYoureLookingFor). If you want something else, there's probably another API module for that.
Petr Onderka [[en:User:Svick]]
On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 3:58 AM, Svavar Kjarrval wrote:
Recently I've been toying with writing code to automatically list articles in certain wikiprojects based on certain criteria. An example would be usage of certain templates or spelling error detection. To enable the code to detect when articles have been "fixed" in a relatively fast manner, I'd need to keep the database updated using a greater interval than the XML dumps can provide. Then I thought of the mediawiki API. What methods do you think are the most suited for the task?
With regards, Svavar Kjarrval
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