Hi dear support email group!
My name is Itamar. I'm trying to automatically log in users of our main system , which are also registered with the same details to our mediawiki automatically so they don't have to login twice. some sort of a single signon.
Our installation is at http://wiki.softwareprojects.com/
So here goes:
I am trying to login using the api and php. I post with curl to our domain
to the api.php
and I get back the needToken XML.
then when I send again the same login request , just with lgtoken including the token I got. I still get the same response
needToken only this time with a different token , as if the token I've sent is wrong or anything. I have urlencoded all POST vars and values.
later on I studied that i also, might need to tranfer the session id as well so what I did is take out from the first request header the session id and transferred it in the second one as lgsessionid and as well as sessionid
and still I get the same needToken response instead of success
If you can help me or guide me to where I need to go with this question
I'll appreciate it a lot !
Thank you very much! Itamar